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Office Play Time With Hammock Swings

Office Play Time With Hammock Swings

We often talk about going back to traditional activities to reconnect with ourselves. However, we are also very aware of the positive changes that are occurring all around us. Technology has changed the way that we work. Facetime is not as important as it used to be. Not every office is applauding the 10-hour stretches at a desk. Many are aware that employees are much more efficient and creative when they are allowed to decompress after long calls, take breaks with other coworkers, and roam around the office.

Business is business, but the cultures that run them are undergoing changes. Why? Because it’s evident that it benefits the employees as much as it does their work.

Taking breaks and cultivating play within the office can improve productivity and decrease stress. Twenty minutes of chess, word games, foosball, gaming consoles, or simply lounging out can allow the employee to take a load off and come back focused and ready to tackle their next assignment with a fresh perspective and a right attitude.


Enter hammocks. Yes, hammocks! We’re delighted to see an increase of smaller swings and hammocks placed in offices and lounges as a way to change spaces and culture. These handmade pieces don’t only appreciate ethnicities and art crafts from around the world, but they serve as an invitation for R&R. Their presence in the office can set a lighthearted ambiance to the toughest of meetings or days.

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